Understand the Causes of this Common Ailment

Our multidisciplinary team of neurosurgeons have a wealth of experience treating back pain. To meet patients’ needs at Frisco Spine, we focus primarily on the diagnosis and treatment of neck and back pain caused by spinal conditions. This allows us to provide care of the highest standard and explore multiple solutions. If you are suffering from lower back pain, you are not alone – nearly 8 out of 10 people will experience back pain at some point in their lives, and for many, the pain is persistent. Our team can help. By identifying and understanding the root cause of your condition, we can devise an appropriate and effective course of action. Don’t suffer with back pain – seek treatment. Contact Frisco Spine today to schedule a consultation.

Causes of Back Pain

Most adult over the age of thirty, have some level of degeneration of the discs located in the spine; however, a small percentages of adults with spinal degeneration are symptomatic from their bad discs in their spine! The degenerative changes in the disc can lead to other spinal complications (found below). Our physicians will order the testing and imaging needed to fully evaluate the spine and provide the best plan of care!

There are two primary types of back pain: acute (or short term) and chronic. Acute back pain is described as back pain that lasts from several days to several weeks. It can result from a number of causes, including trauma to the lower back, improper strain on the lower back muscles, and medical conditions such as arthritis. Common traumas include sports injuries, falls, car accidents, and other collisions. Chronic back pain refers to any back pain that lasts for three months or longer. Typical symptoms of both acute and chronic back conditions include constant muscle ache, shooting or stabbing pain, and limited flexibility.

Among the medical conditions that can lead to back pain are:

  • Disc Herniation – If the outer fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc becomes torn, the inner soft tissue of the nucleus pulposus can bulge out, extending beyond the outer ring.
  • Lumbar Stenosis – As we age, the spinal canal can narrow due to normal wear and tear, as well as the presence of bone spurs or arthritis. This places pressure on the nerve roots.
  • Foraminal Stenosis – As with lumbar stenosis, foraminal stenosis occurs when the spinal foramen narrows and pressure is applied to the nerve roots.
  • Arthritis (Facet Arthropathy) – Arthritis of the facet joints between each vertebra will cause them to deteriorate or become inflamed.
  • Spondylosis – Degenerative changes of the discs that can place severe pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots.
  • Spondylolisthesis – This condition is caused by the slippage of a vertebra in the lower spinal column. This can be due to degenerative disease, congenital disease, a bony defect (isthmic), or the result of prior surgery (iatrogenic).

It’s very possible that you could be suffering from one of the above conditions and not be aware of it. By visiting the team at Frisco Spine, we can definitively diagnose the cause of your back pain.


Acute back pain is often preventable and typically subsides after a few days. Additionally, pain can be mitigated with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. With acute pain, which often can be treated by maintaining correct posture, not placing strain on the back muscles, and ensuring that you use proper body mechanics, there is little to no risk of functional loss following the relief of the condition. However, chronic pain may require more comprehensive treatment, and depending on the degree of care necessary, may result in some loss of functionality or mobility.

If you are suffering from chronic back pain, we highly recommend that you seek the advice of a doctor. Our team of experts has years of experience treating back pain, neck pain, leg pain, and a range of spinal conditions, and can determine the treatment best suited to your needs. We offer both non-surgical and surgical treatment options, and provide care on one campus for our patients’ convenience and comfort – we understand that our patients’ injuries and medical conditions typically limit mobility. If you suffer from acute or chronic back pain, Frisco Spine offers the solution you’re seeking.

Relieve Your Back Pain – Start Today

Back pain can be debilitating. If you suffer from chronic back pain or are suffering from acute back pain because of trauma or other factor, you know this. Remember, there is help available. At Frisco Spine, we can diagnose and treat back pain and can help you regain your quality of life. Our multidisciplinary team of experts employs the most conservative treatment method possible to alleviate our patients of their pain and expedite their recovery process.



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