Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Therapy
Block Your Pain, Maintain Relief
At Frisco Spine, we understand that when it comes to pain, everyone is looking for a quick, effective way find relief. Through safe, non-surgical treatments such as electrical stimulation, our Dallas area spine specialists can restore your quality of life. The techniques and procedures that we offer are just one component in the overall cure of your symptoms. All of the innovative, conservative options that we offer take into account the condition of your spine, your body’s needs, and your overall well-being. Our physicians are committed to configuring a plan that best suits your lifestyle while optimizing your health.
About Our Revolutionary Technology
Physicians have been using TENS Therapy since the 1960s because of its convenience and effectiveness. Since originally being developed, TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, units have been improved dramatically, but have served the same purpose – to stimulate a patient’s nerves, muscles, and tendons to the point of pain-relief. A TENS unit is a tiny, battery-operated device that is connected to two electrodes and adhesive patches that are attached to your skin. The electrodes carry a powerful electrical current through the unit to your body. The reason many doctors believe this system to be successful at diminishing pain, swelling, tension, and inflammation is that the electrical current stimulates a targeted region of the body. Through stimulation, your condition is soothed by electrical impulses that move along the nerves of your spine. Often patients compare the sensation created by the impulses to a tingling or tickling along their spines. TENS therapy can be combined with other non-surgical treatments as part of a comprehensive pain management strategy.
How Will TENS Therapy Help Me?
Generally, patients experience less pain through TENS therapy because the electrical current triggers pain-blocking signals that consume the nerves of your spine. Many professionals believe that instead of blocking the transmission of signals to your brain, the stimulation increases your body’s natural production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers. Our physicians use multiple techniques to accurately determine which nerves along your spine are generating the majority of your pain. Whether you have recently given childbirth or are elderly and simply want to restore pain-free movement, we can devise an effective non-surgical treatment plan that provides much-needed relief.
Benefits of Electrical Stimulation
There are several proven benefits of electrical stimulation through TENS therapy at our Dallas area centers, which is why our Plano, Frisco, Denton, McKinney, and Carrollton specialists use the innovative, stimulating treatment. TENS therapy:
- Can be used on the neck and back
- Is a non-invasive alternative to surgery
- Effectively alleviates pera-spinal pain
- Decreases pain ranging from acute to chronic
- Reduces inflammation
- Relaxes muscles and tendons
- Can be performed in-office by our specialists
- Can be repeated as necessary and combined with other treatments
- Is a low-risk procedure
Ideal Candidates for Treatment
Electrical stimulation is available to patients of all ages at each of our spine centers near Dallas; however, it is not recommended for patients with pacemakers. Only an experienced doctor can truly determine whether TENS therapy is an appropriate treatment option for you.
Contact Frisco Spine
To learn more about the non-surgical treatment options that we offer at Frisco Spine, contact our office nearest you today! We are pleased to provide you with compassionate care that is unmatched in quality and effectiveness.